I have nothing against it, whatsoever.
But every time I check the BBS, it seems like half the community is either bisexual or full-on gay.
I have no issue with it, it just arises some curiosity. Why would so much gay community be here in one place?
I'm just thinking about how it came around to be that way. I mean, the fact that we have a rule against homophobic comments might be part of it, but still, nearly every site has some variation of that rule.
I shall now don my Philosoraptor face and comprehend this mystery.
That's not true. Most of them are repressed homosexuals. Sometimez they let somehimg slip.
It's usually more than implied. I've seen dudes openly talk about their boyfriends; heck, some even come here for homosexual help. Not that I have anything against any of that, it's just a tad strange to see a bunch of gays grouped together onto one site like that.
And not all of them are, either. There are quite a few straight guys as well.
I just think the amount of gays on here is higher than your average site.
Maybe that's due to the rules against homophobic comments, but then again, pretty much every forum I've been on has some kind of rule against that kind of vulgarity.
Maybe through the veil of anonymity people here can express there true feelings.